南棗核桃糕, Walnut, Date, Candy, Walnut & Date Candy,

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Walnut and Date Candy

TWD $9,999

TWD $0

Product details

枣泥核桃仁糕/ナツメ&くるみ/Walnut and Date Candy /남조핵도고


This product had been developed for nearly half year proudly. Natural and fresh black jujubes are cooked in slow fire, added with healthy California walnuts.  Moderately sweet and natural, the product is a Chinese style life nourishing health nourishment pastry.


Net Weight: 380g

Product Size: 30x19.5x8(cm)

Shelf Life: 12 months


Sale price: This page only provides a description of the product, the actual sale price please according to the local currency or store list price mainly.



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