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Nut Tarts Gift Box-Macadamia Nut Tart 3 pcs+ Walnut Tart 3 pcs

TWD $9,999

TWD $0

Product details

雙堅豆陣堅果塔禮盒/什锦坚果塔型西式糕点礼盒/Nut Tarts Gift Box-Macadamia Nut Tart 3 pcs+ Walnut  Tart 3 pcs/ナッツタルトギフトボックス-マカダミアナッツタルト3個+くるみタルト3個/너트타르트 선물세트- 마카다미아 타르트 3개+호두 타르트 3개/


CHERRY GRANDPA Macadamia Nuts Tart, full of nuts, sprinkled with slightly sour cranberries, special caramel formula, filled in crispy tart crust. The perfect proportion of crispy achieve a classic taste.  The reputation of the "King of Nuts"-macadamia nuts in Australia has high economic value, anti-aging, regulate blood sugar and blood lipids, beneficial to digestive health, containing vitamins B1, B2, E and higher protein


CHERRY GRANDPA Walnut Nuts Tart, walnut + almond + pumpkin seeds + sunflower seeds, rich in nutrients, special caramel formula, filled in crispy tart crust.  The perfect proportion of crispy achieve a classic taste. Walnut with dietary fiber is the highest level of omega-3 fat content of all nut foods.  The highest nutritional value of walnuts includes: carotene, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin E and other rich vitamins. It is often called "aristocratic beauty food" 


Net Weight:6入

Shelf Life: 4months

Sale price: This page only provides a description of the product, the actual sale price please according to the local currency or store list price mainly.



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